Math Reverse

Developement story

I developed the game by accepting the Brackeys's 10 minutes challenge #10minutegame trying to be in accordance with the Thankful Jam rules.

I ended the challenge with an ugly but working game.

Than, talking with my friends about the game, I decided to take my time (less than 30 hours as the Jam's rules ask) to polish the game and add new features as the count down, new graphics, audio and so on...

I ended up developing a simple and funny challenging game that combines my interest in the Math with the unexpectation of the answer you've to chose.

The game

The game is of course built on a simple idea as a game made in ten minutes has to be, so, after the challenge, I spent the Jam's time to make the game better listening to my friends feedback.
They said it's: "A good way to challange each other in making the best score".

How to play

Just press the button of the wrong answer!

Developement Tools

Game Engine: Unity
Draw software: Krita
Royalty free music from:

Developement Videos

- 10 Minutes Challenge

- Polishing The Game


Math Reverse Windows 16 MB
Math Reverse 19 MB
Math Reverse 19 MB

Install instructions

Download the .zip file and estract it than run the .exe file

Download the .zip file and estract it than run the game

Mac OS X
Download the .zip file and estract it than run the game

Development log