Color Summa - Devlog #01 - Launch

Color Summa
Hi, I hope all of you are doing great today!!
I’m writing this new devlog to introduce this new game I made in two days
I’m now working on a quite big project that include different levels, lot of enemys with different behaviour and so on. So as you can immagine, it’s a long way to get a playable demo version of the game.
That is why I wanted to develope an idea I had in mind for few month that cost me two days of work! One to make the main game setup and the second to polish it, add features and publish it here and hopefully, if Google is gonna approve it, on Google Play.
The game is supposed to have no words displayed except for the copyright in the bottom so in the first part of the game you’ll have to understand what the four top buttons do!
After that it’s all full playable just using swipes, yes swipes because it’s my first game designed for mobile devices buuuuuuuut it’s also playable on pc using “WASD” or the normal arrow keys!!
I have to say that I spent half of the time testing it and changing the colors. I didn’t expected it was so hard to find lot of different colors that let you feel relaxed and help you understand wich one is made from the sum of the others but in the end all works fine!
The game was made in Unity and Visual Studio 2017…I had to put aside MonoDevelop due to some problems popped up during the coding. The graphics were made using, as always, Krita.
But in the end I’m happy, the game works well and it’s quite addictive :D
So in the end if you want to try it…it’s free, just download the apk and install it on your device (Android 4.1 minimum) or download the pc version, extract it and play it on your laptop 😊 and remember to leave a feedback, comment, rate…you know :D
Now I can go back working on the big project that I’m so excited to share with you as soon as possible!
Have a nice day
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